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Tuesday, January 22, 2013

January 22, 2013 (New Transfer and was made District Leader!)

Hey fam!!

  Well, this has been one of the craziest weeks of my life!!! Talk about stress and feeling like a "visa waiter." My "son", Elder Wanner didn't ever get feeling better so he ended up having to go home, which was really sad.  We are all hoping that he will be back within the next couple months. So since last Wednesday, I have been out of my area and have been jumping around from companion to companion waiting for the transfer to come. I won't lie-  I was ready!! I was sick of being in a trio.  I thought that since Elder Wanner was going to be going home, President would leave me in my area and I would stay one more transfer to familiarize a new person to the place. Well, he decided that that's not where he needed me.  Well, I guess the Lord did.  It was sad for me because I wanted to stay one more. But I got the call and I am double transferred into a new area and I am training again, which is cool!

      My new "sons" name is Elder Frost.  He is a stud from Mesa Arizona and I picked him up yesterday! We moved into a brand new apartment with no area book and not much going on.  Last night was tough.  We just walked around and street contacted people then came home and set up our beds and our rooms.  I feel like such a lost dog here in this new area. I guess no point in not telling you because you will get a letter, but I have been called as a District Leader as well. So I double transferred, I'm training, and District Leader... I feel really, really lost.  I am trying to learn the ropes of a lot of positions here in the mission and it is fun. Definitely, a learning experience for me.  Our zone just got created and things here in the Nevada Las Vegas West mission are going CRAZY!!! It is so cool to be a part of this.  There is so much going on and it makes it fun to be a missionary.  This past few months have gone by so fast! I can't believe that it has already been as long as it has. Oh, and my new companian is... 18!!  It's cool!  He is a pioneer! It's awesome!!

      Now as for my old area, I was sad to leave it.  It was a pretty tough week.  It was an interesting week with all the changes that happened. I'm not totally sure what I was supposed to learn from all of that, but I am sure that it will soon manifest itself to me. I know one thing- it helped me to really get focused on the work because I haven't had one minute to think about anything else but my mission. I guess everyone was right - once you hit the 6 month mark you really begin to understand a little bit better as to what your supposed to be doing. I still don't feel like I know a dang thing, but at least I know what I need to do during the days and all of that.

   I had to say a quick goodbye to all of the people in my area and that was good and bad.  It was super sad to say goodbye to Sabrina and her kids. Also Sister Finau was a tough person to say goodbye to.  I knew that it was coming so it wasn't too bad. I really felt like I was leaving my home, but the new area is going to make up for it! I am in what is called the Meadows Stake.   You can just continue to send all my stuff to the mission office because I am literally like a mile away from it.   Our area is really weird. I don't even live in my area. It takes me like 10 minutes to drive to my area. Hopefully I get lots of miles because we are going to have to make that drive everyday! I still haven't met a single person in my area or from my ward yet, so I am so excited to get to do that tonight! We are just really lost right now. We have brand new Zone Leaders and no one knows where to go. It's pretty crazy.  The mission is just booming!

   As for how I am doing.... I am doing good.  Sorry for not e-mailing yesterday. They didn't have any libraries open yesterday due to Martin Luther King Jr Day.  I am so proud of you, Taia!  It looks like you dominated!! That's my girl! And forget the judges! I don't care what they say. If you can throw a standing back flip - you win fitness! I'll try and print you out an award and you can post it on your wall. I'm dang proud of you for all you have done! That's good work!

     I really wish all of you at home could meet the people I am meeting here. It is awesome to be here and just to meet and see all of the different people and get to know Elders from all over the world! I feel like this has been my whole life - like the mission has always been what I do.  Now that I am doing the 36 week program of training instead of just the normal 12 week training program that most people go through, I think that President just thinks I'm not getting it.  So he has me train so that I can go through the 12 week training program again. Its probably my last chance or he is going to rebuke me! hahah But really things are going good. I am doing good.  Hopefully you guys got my package and liked what I sent! If there is anything else I can do for you guys let me know.  I am going to get going for now.  I love you all so much!!

Talk to you next week!!
Elder Crapo


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