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Friday, January 4, 2013

December 31, 2012

Dear Fam!

    Well, I am really sorry.  I just had a whole letter that I had written and the computer deleted it... but I just wanted to let you all know how much I love you!!!

    As for tonight, we are going to have to be in at 6:00pm which really stinks because Elder Wanner and I will just have to look at each other and play with our nerf guns:) Yes, I wont lie.  I had to splurg and get an $8 nerf gun so I could defend myself.  haha
    This week has been super good!! So far we think that Sabrina is going to have her baptism on January 12 and that her son will be baptized the same day!!!! Also we are hoping that Roderick and Chantell will be baptized that day, which would be so awesome!! I would love to leave this area with some recent converts at church:)

    The phone call home was awesome to see everyone! I love you guys so much! You're awesome. Sister Fianu said that you were a little worried about me, Mom, which I thought was good.  It made me feel loved! Yeah, it was tough for a little bit, but in the mission life you have no time to be homesick.  You just keep on keeping on! I remember Mindy the day before I left-  she told me the best advice that I have used everyday on my mission. She said "Just one day at a time, Brax. We will get through it one day at a time." I have found that to be so true! You just have to take everything as it comes and enjoy the ride:) The missionaries in my district call me the robot because they say that I have no feelings. haha I just don't show a ton of emotion, so they say.  I guess I must put on a pretty good front for them because with you, I felt like I wasn't so emotionless!  As for the phone call, it really just kinda recharged the batteries. It was so good to see you all and see how life was going. I am a little ticked that coy was pretty much in my area and I didn't get to see him.  But that was a good thing for sure.  Just so you know, Coy I'll be at Bass Pro either today or tomorrow.  So if you're there and you see me - run! haha
     As for the work- I really think that this has been kind of a turning point in my mission. I remember this week after a lesson with Sabrina, I turned to Elder Wanner and I was just like "Elder, I love my mission!"  I just feels so good when you finally get to see the people you teach round the corner and hopefully make that last step toward baptism:) If we make it to that I am going to be so happy!!

    And as for the Redrock Stake Nativity - we were at that Sabrina and her husband Jimmy.  They took us and we all went and watched that.  It was a ton of fun and super good. Sabrina is actually doing missionary work herself and she has been allowing us to teach a neighbor the lessons.  So she might be getting baptized soon too! So the work is going well right now.   Tomorrow we don't go out and work.   We just have the day off tomorrow to just kind of hang out with our District and have fun. You will probably get a few letters because I have like 3 hours tonight to just chill because we cant leave our apartment.

    Sorry this letter is so short.  I will be better next week.  I love you all so much and hope that you have a Happy New Year!!! 2013, here we come!! This will be what's called my "black year" because it is the year I will be out the whole year - which is awesome!! I can't wait to see what it has in store for us! I hope you all have a good week and enjoy the snow! I miss it so much! I love you all and will talk to you soon!

Elder Crapo

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