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Friday, October 5, 2012

Letter from 10/1/12

Hey fam!

     Man, its good to hear from everyone! I am living it up here in Vegas. It is just starting to get kind of nice here. Still 90 to 95 during the day, but evenings are amazing!  So the heat, I think, for the most part is behind us. Members here are awesome keeping us fed and treating us well. We are doing awesome and having fun.  Work is kind of slow, but that is sort of how our area is, which stinks.  But it is good. It keeps me and Elder Cunningham on our toes. We are starting to teach together well and our investigators are doing really good. This past week the Frye's (the people we live next too) went to the Cook Islands so we had our ward mission leader living next to us while he babysat their kids. That was dang fun because he is a total stud!!! His name is Brother Whiting and he and his wife are from Rupert, Idaho so you know he is a good guy just because of where he is from!:)
      We fasted yesterday for the kids of one of our investigators so that they can be baptized and that their dad's heart will be softened in allowing them to do so. It's so cool to see the change in that family because the one boy, Grayson said all he wanted for his birthday that is coming up is to be baptized. Hopefully with lots of prayer and fasting his father's heart will be softened. As for our other family- they are doing awesome in becoming reactivated.  It is unreal what member trust can do and it puts a ton of pressure on Elder Cunningham and I. They told us last night that when they wanted us to come by the husband James was like, "oh, no we don't want missionaries to come by because the Elder's before he hadn't really liked." But now I guess we just got real lucky and he clicks with us!! So we took that as a huge compliment and hopefully we can keep up the good reputation the rest of the transfer, as well as keep the members on all the missionaries sides throughout the rest of my mission. With our mission being so young, which by the way it is rediculously young, everyone except for the AP's and Zone leaders are training!
    Not much else is happening here in Vegas.  They are building some pretty big ferris wheels over on the strip that I can see. They look pretty sweet, so when you all drive through here to go to Disney Land you should hop on those if they are done!! But no really this place is pretty sweet.  The desert is definitely not as good looking as good old Idaho, but there are so many cool people. We are finding more and more work everyday. So hopefully by the time that we are done here the area can be a productive one instead of a dead one!
    Dang I gotta be honest, I miss Spud Harvest! I want pics so bad!  Everyone here is amazed that we get a week out of school just to work. It is definitely a different lifestyle here.
    Lastly, Elder Cunningham and I go talk to a man named Brother Ford every week on Thursdays at 3 and he is super super super SMART!!!   I swear he wrote the dictionary or something. He is ridiculous and he knows the Bible backwards and forwards and he is reading the Book of Mormon and Doctrine and Covenants. He was just baptized a year ago, but his testimony is SO strong. It's awesome. I'll get some pics of him. He is my Black Brother and he calls me a Mexican because he says I work like one? hahahah  But anywho, he was talking about kings back in the day and how they had to write the Torha and they would be judged out of that book.  Well, Elder Cunningham got the idea we should copy the Book of Mormon down in our own writing. Well, a few days later we pulled out the notebook and began. And holy crap that is freaking Hard! We just finished 1 Nephi 1 and it took us like 45 minutes! Crazy! But such a testimony builder for me, because I now without a shadow of a doubt that Joseph Smith could not have translated that book unless our Father in Heaven helped him. I also know that there is no possible way that he made the story up because it is just too difficult to write and understand so quickly as to write it in 2 or 3 months! That book is such an amazing Book and I love it with all my heart. It has changed my life and made me who I am today. I know that if you will read from it everyday it will change your lives as well. I know sometimes it is easy to get caught up in the world and forget about the Book of Mormon but the power in that book is unreal and it is TRUE. I love you all so much have fun in the spuds without me!!! I wish I could be there running the Digger! But give me a few years, I'll be back:) I love you all and can't wait to hear from you!

Elder Crapo
P.S Thanks so much for the packages and the letters they make the weeks go by much quicker!  I love you all talk to you soon!

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