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Sunday, September 30, 2012

Letter from 9/24/12

Ofaatu! (meaning hello in Tongan, or at least that is what brother Finau told us!)

Sounds like things back at home are going well!! Things here in Las Vegas are going awesome! We are staying busy and doing good. I have been able to ride the new bike around quite a bit and it is pretty sick! It's a Diamond Back and, no it isn't a road bike. I couldn't bring myself to spend the money and bikes here tend to get stolen on a regular basis. I had to buy a nice U lock and we park them inside the Casida every time we don't ride them. This week has been crazy and I cant believe that it is already over.  It seems as though the days are turning into weeks and the weeks into days. I am having experience after experience and it would take 7 journal entries to tell you everything! I am doing better with being focused on the work and how everything is going.  Teaching is coming along a lot! I am kinda going weird because I honestly think that my favorite part of the day is my personal study where I get to just read and tear apart my Book of Mormon. I have already finished it once since entering the mission field and I just hit Jacob. So hopefully I can at least finish it one more time before the year ends! Transfers were last week and my Stud of a comp is the new District leader, which means a few more responsibilities for him!  I am enjoying the relaxation of being the Jr companion for now because I know that someday soon that will all be gone! Oh and Hali I must apologize for my bad grammar. haha its going to get worse:) But to repay you for all your hard work I know that you have been doing  Well yeah- get this I know the CREATOR of that and he told me he would upgrade anyone in my family for free and if you would like to have a book made let me know and he will discount it for you. He is also working on a new website that is called which is going to be even better! But I'm not sure when that is so I'll keep you posted. His name is Nick Jones and he is a member of the Somerset ward, which I am in.  If you look at the authors' story on he is the one. It's pretty sick! He builds iphone apps and some way cool stuff like that and his wife is awesome. She reminds me a lot of Mindy and Hali. She clogged and they just had their first baby so they take care of us pretty good and make sure that we work hard.
   I guess to share some experiences I have had a TON this week. It was almost a little bit weird. I will start with a family- we went over there last Monday night and when we got there the wife was really having a tough time. Her daughter had told her that she didn't want to have her in her life anymore and they were just having a really rough fight because the wife had told her son in law that he was posting some inappropriate stuff on Facebook.  She wanted us to give her a blessing and she asked me to do so. I felt honored and I gave her the blessing, during the blessing the spirit was so strong and I really felt the words were not from me. I can't really remember what was said I know that in the blessing I said she would have the gift of discernment to know and understand the needs of her children, and also that she would have patience with them. Well, we left and didn't really think a whole lot about it. Then the next day we were at the bike store helping two of the Elders in our district get their bikes because their car got moved to another area and we got a phone call from the wife and she asked for me.  She told me that last night after we left it hadn't been five minutes after we walked out the door and her son in law called. He apologized for everything that was said and asked for forgiveness. Crazy! I couldn't believe it.  I am just so thankful that I was worthy and prepared so that I could be there to help her receive those blessings. She has since thanked us both like 10 times and she is awesome! I know she has tried to add you on Facebook mom and she said that she sent you a message? Check your Facebook and make sure you didn't miss it because she wondered if you received it.
     Then on Thursday we always meet with my favorite family the Critchlows and they invite a bunch of their non member friends and we just have a dicussion about the church. Well, the first time that we met it was just 3 people then 4 and now 7 and they just keep inviting more and more it is sick!! One guy his name is Jimmy is totally going to get baptized when the time is right.  Unfortunately he is out of our area and is being taught by the other elders, but we do get to see him every Thursday which is way sweet!!!
   Our lesson with Sabrina dominated this week the Lord really helped us out and we really needed it. It started with Elder Cunningham and I really struggling to find a member to come and go with us. Then the Critchlows name came to mind we called them and they couldn't wait to come. When we got there we had planned to teach lesson 2, the Plan of Salvation, and we were able to accomplish that as well as touch on the word of wisdom-  because she is having a Coffee problem. She kept just making excuses and beating around the bush.  To be honest, it was frustrating and she was making excuses for why she wanted to drink coffee. Finally, after we all had struggled I told her that I honestly didn't know a lot and I had very few experiences but I did know that I wasn't really sure why God would ask me to go on a mission. It didn't make sense to leave. I had everything I needed and I didn't need to just leave.   Sometimes it really doesn't make sense. But sometimes we just have to have faith that it is the right thing and that we need to do it. I told her that my parents could call and offer me all the money that is being spent on my mission to come home and I wouldn't do it because I wanted to be out here helping people like her come closer to Christ because that is where true happiness is. Well, by the time I was done we both were almost in tears!  I hate to tell you this crap cuz it sounds like I am just bragging that what I said changed her mind. Trust me, Elder Cunnigham as well as the Critchlows did some tough work, it was just then that the conversation turned from why she couldn't to setting a date for when it would stop. October 1, 2012 Sabrina won't be drinking any more coffee!!!

Elder Cunningham is a stud and I am learning a ton from him. I am so thankful that I got a good Trainer.  I am LUCKY! It will hopefully catipult me to the rest of my mission, so that I will be able to continue to work hard. I do miss the work at home though.  I want to get in a tractor so bad!! Or even ride a horse! I am super jealous people at home are seeing bears.  I want to see a bear bad! We did get to see a coyote running around the golf course where I live.
   I wish there was more I could tell you but honestly I am tired of writing!  I do love writing you all.  I will try and get the Book of Mormon marking system sent to you all so that you can do it for your family home evenings!!
    As for questions- my Mission President said that I could vote if I have an absentee ballet so do you know how I could do that? Oh and it is still hot here but it is beginning to cool down.  I am going to get going. I love you all so much and really appreciate the support!! Thanks for all you do and all the letters I have been receiving!! Talk to you next week!!
Elder Crapo

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