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Thursday, August 9, 2012

Letter from the MTC July 23, 2012

July 23, 2012

Dear Family,

How the heck are you guys!!!! Things here in the MTC are awesome, and wow the spirit is so strong! I can't even believe it. There are days when I do have a thought of home come into my mind but they are quickly replaced with thoughts of Las Vegas and the investigators that I will soon get to meet. I wanted to start by saying thanks to Mom and Dad for the great support I have been receiving from you guys.  It is so awesome to get some snail mail every once in a while and show off the cookies I received from my mom. I now realize how much you two have done for me. But I'm sure that you are wondering how my companions are and they are all very good guys. We are from all parts of the US. My companion Elder Jacobsen is from Texas and my two other roomates are from South Carolina and Oregon. They both have amazing testimonies and are strong in the gospel.  We are all going to the Las Vegas West misson, as well as the other two sets of Elders in our district. Elder Pyron is from Virginia, Elder Lane from Colorado, Elder Wrathall from Michigan, Elder Gullian from Bozeman, Montana. We had our first teaching experiences this week and Elder Jacobsen and I were able to start with Patrick... What a wake up call!!! haha We did terrible.  Our teacher actually stopped the lesson and made us start over.  Then we were able to teach Lynn and we did so much better with her.  She listened and I think she may have actually felt our love for her.  I actually began to teach by the Spirit. It was a strong thing for me, because that has been a big struggle for me. I have been studying how to feel the spirit and recognize it and that has been helping. One thing is for sure, I need to learn the scriptures better.  During our lesson with Patrick, the one Scripture I wanted to share with him right before baptism I totally forgot... I turned to Elder Jacobsen and said, "what was that scripture?"  He looked back with a panicked look in his eye and replied, "I don't know elder." hahah But things are great. I am struggling with learning to love everyone even people I don't like. I won't tell you that this has been easy because I'm now an Elder and missionaries aren't supposed to lie.  But it has been the most rewarding four days of my life. I am finally finding out what Braxton is made of. Last night we were able to hear from Elder Allen- an Area Seventy here.  He gave a talk about the pioneers and I honestly felt as though he were speaking to me. I have been having a hard time feeling like I am up to par or good enough for this calling because of how imperfect I have been in my life.  He then said something that hit me so strongly tears began to flow down my face. He told us that we are also committing a sin if we will not let ourselves be forgiven if we have formerly taken care of these things. I know that the atonement is a very real thing and our Heavenly Father is there.  He loves me so much and He is guiding me everyday as I pray and ask for guidance. I also met an Elder Allgood. He said is grandma lives in Saint Anthony, so if you know his grandma tell her he is a total Stud!!! Oh, and Wes get how freaking awesome this is- my Zone Leaders are Cantonese speaking going to Honk Kong!!!!! It is so cool to hear them speak the language my brother spoke and sometimes I grow green with envy.  But I do know that Las Vegas needs Elder Crapo.  I am not quite yet sure for what, but there is a reason I am going there. Well, my time is almost up. I will try and Snail mail you. Thanks so much for your prayers.  They are much appreciated and they are helping me study as well as grow in the church. Tell the nieces and nephews I look at their pictures every night and think of them.  You are all in my prayers.  Know that our Heavenly Father is listening to you.  Thank you to everyone who has been so great to write me.  It helps a ton. I am keeping a positive attitude and I know that I am here for the right reasons. I love you all so much and keep having a ton of fun for me!!!! Don't worry about me. I am in the Lords hands.  Remember the Church is true and keep up the good work!!  I have to go- we only have thirty minutes.   I love you and and remember don't have too much fun cutting hay without me!!!!:)

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