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Thursday, August 9, 2012

And.....he's off!

After church on Sunday, we had a big luncheon at the house.  Many of his close friends and family came to say goodbye and enjoy a good time.  I think Mom and Dad's house is known for good times.  Braxton and his friends have spent hours and hours there having a good time.  It's one of those places where you don't even feel like you have to knock, because you know you're always welcome.  You don't have to take your shoes off and there is always food!  All of us kids had the same experiences growing up.  Our friends always knew they were welcome and would come often and stay long hours.  We had a great afternoon, followed by an emotional evening as everyone said goodbye.
Cole and Nate enjoying some grub!
Cole Bauer (who is leaving on his mission shortly) and Alyssa Rumsey
Preslie and the Richard's twins stopped by, too.
A little friendly game of kickball was played.  The oldies against the youngsters.  (It's sad that all of Braxton's siblings were on the oldies team.)  Mom even got in on the action!
Braxton, Kelton Crittendon, Ashley Siddoway, Cole Bauer, Whitney Bartschi, Kayla and Kenzie Richards and Alyssa Rumsey.  What a great group of friends! 
Ashley Siddoway, Mataia Roderick and Beth Wilson
Alli Anderson and Mataia

The next two days were spent making final preparations and saying goodbyes.  Tuesday evening, the whole family went to the Stake President's office with Braxton where he was set apart as an official missionary.  He was given a special priesthood blessing and we all felt the Spirit very strongly.  It was an experience I think the nieces and nephews will remember for a long time to come.  After that we all went to Mom and Dad's where we had Root Beer floats.  Then came the teary goodbyes.  The tears were tears of joy, but with them came the reality that we were all going to miss him like crazy.  

Early on Wednesday morning, Mom and Dad took Braxton to the MTC.   This was Braxton leaving the house to start his two year adventure!  Exciting!

Good times in the car!  About an hour before they got to the MTC, Braxton sent one last text to all of us adult siblings and in-laws.  It read, "The church is true guys!!:)  See you in two!!!"  

Where would we be without Mom?

Dad is such a strength to us all!


When they got to the MTC, they had a bunch of numbered parking spots that they filed the cars into.  Wouldn't you know that they got parked in slot #22!  That's Braxton's jersey number.  That was just one more little sign that Braxton was where he was supposed to be!

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