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Thursday, November 8, 2012

November 6, 2012

Well hello fam!!
How the heck is everyone?  Thanks for all the letters and the emails this week and the package you sent me was the bomb!!! Things here in Vegas are pretty awesome.  We are working hard and having some pretty sick experiences with investigators and also with people we come in contact with.  I am enjoying my new role as the senior companion but have a completely new respect for Elder Cunningham. Now that he is gone I am beginning to realize how close we really were. I honestly would consider him as close to me as Regg and Cole were.  He was my best friend here.  So I will say a bit of loneliness has set in, but like he would say "with leadership comes loneliness." It is tough being the senior companion, but it is good. My new companion, Elder Wanner, is from Seattle and is pretty cool. He is like a weight lifter or something. haha A body builder I guess you could say? He is good.  It is different from what Elder Cunningham and I had, but it is good to put me in uncomfortable situations.
I have some huge shoes to fill. Elder Cunningham was a total stud and I now see how great of an impact trainers have on the new missionaries. It is kind of scary for me to think that I might be that big of an impact on Elder Wanner. I remember how scared I was and how hard it was to make the transition into the mission field. Now I am making the transition of a new companion and training.  It is tough - I wont lie. D&C 121 is like my life. But things are going good for us and we are having some really good success.
As for this week, though, we were able to have a sweet mission party with the whole entire mission. It was crazy, but so good!  I have some videos for you when I send home my SD card this week that you have to watch!! So much fun! I will say that I love the mission even though there have been nights the last week that I have spent feeling pretty down.  I am learning each and everyday. I have to learn what I am as a missionary and I have to learn it real quick. It is going much better and I can feel and see the Spirit working in me everyday. It is awesome! I am able to answer more and more questions that people have - even to things I haven't studied! It's just nuts how the Lord works.
As for Conn getting put in the Stake Presidency - what a STUD!! Hopefully he sees that.

We have had some really amazing experiences here in the last week. On Monday, the day I said goodbye to Elder Cunningham, we had had some really good stuff set up for Elder Wanner to have a cool first day experience... Well, of course everything had to fall through. But Then I thought, ok let's go see Mark and Jerri.  That was the family that had asked us to come and leave a blessing on their home.  I am not sure I told you about that, but if you need more info, Mom, ask Wes.  Kinda creepy experience, but super good. But anywho, we went over there and saw them and actually were able to have another lesson and we committed them to baptism on Dec 8.  They told us they believed the Book of Mormon and that Joseph Smith was a Prophet!! Super good for Elder Wanner to have that experience and to see what missionary work is all about!!
Then as the week has gone by, we had a lesson with Sabrina. She had thought that maybe she had had a miscarriage. So she went to the Doc and when she got to the doctor he told her that the baby had died in the tube and that she would need surgery the next day. Well, she called and gave us the sad news and asked if we could come over and give her a blessing. When we went over I had the opportunity to give her that blessing. That was really neat for me because of how close Elder Cunningham and I got to her. Well, the next morning they went to have the surgery and when the doctors started doing the surgery they found out the baby was fine and that she is just pregnant!! How crazy! I can't even believe the miracles that happen every single day while out here in the field. And Elder Wanner was super pumped about that, so that was really good for him:)
I am super glad that you all had fun in Disneyland and hopefully this week I will get some pics!! I am going to send you my SD card and if you could print some of the better pics off and send them back that would be great because I can't get them to print here. That stinks because they have video and I would need to get online to make it work so hopefully you can figure it out:) And maybe an extra copy or two so I can send to Cole and Kelton. They seem to be doing awesome. We write each other about once a month and we are all doing great! Cole seems to have his ups and downs as well as Kelton and me also!! But welcome to mission life right?
I am really beginning to make connections with this ward and I can already tell that it will be tough to leave.  I am just going to work dang hard and hopefully we can see some major success!! Thanks for all the many prayers. I have really began to feel them this week as I have been faced with trials, but I know that God hears and answers us all. My testimony has grown a hundred times stronger in these last few months. I cant even imagine what life would be like outside of Las Vegas.  I know what everyone means now when they talk about being lost in the work. It is hard to remember what everything else was like! I am sure Elder Cunningham can explain better in his talk, but Vegas is so awesome and I really am enjoying it!! Keep working hard and play some for me, too!!! We have another zone activity where we are going to be playing the Las Vegas zone, so domination is about to happen again!! haha
I love you all and can't wait to hear from you this week! Thanks for all the letters and sorry I am so bad at writing.  We are just so busy on P-days! Oh, and Bishop Stephens wrote me - Malyssa is getting MARRIED?????!!!!!! What the heck?  That is so cool and I am happy for her. Just crazy that everyone is changing so dang much. Hopefully I get a wedding announcement from them and let me know who the guy is. And tell grandma and grandpa thanks for all of their letters. I do get them and I love reading them. I just get so busy on P-days.  Sorry!! I will be better, hopefully.  I'll talk to you all soon!!

Elder Crapo

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