Hey fam!!
Dang it sounds like this week has been a pretty eventful week and that we have been super blessed!! I am super excited about the baby and I am so glad that I got to see pictures of him. So crazy to me that I have a brand new nephew that I won't even see for quite a while!! I am so grateful though that the baby and that Mandi are doing ok. As for Foster and tipping the truck - over stuff happens, right?! We all have to mess up every once in a while or we would never learn. I will never forget this one time when I was out running the swather.....I was still pretty little - probably 10 or so. But I remember it was the one that we used to pull behind the tractor. And Coy had got on me because I kept leaving like a strip of hay right when I started to cut and this one time I turned around I left a big old strip so I tried to back it up and when I did I Jack knifed it pretty good haha. I learned that day how to back up and I also learned to slow down a little and just do it right the first time. Funny how that works sometimes. It seems like that is how it is in life, too. We make mistakes, but those mistakes make us look back and then we can learn from them and move on.
I have thought a lot about that this week and I feel like I have been learning a lot in all of my personal study time and in the things I have been reading. I feel like the Lord is really trying to teach me something right now concerning what kind of a person he needs me to be. It is always interesting that he puts us through certain trials and he gives us the chance to make mistakes. Then he uses that to teach us! It makes me think of a Scripture in D&C 136: 31 " My people must be tried in all things, that they may be prepared to receive the glory that for them, even the glory of Zion; and he that will not bear chastisement is not worthy of my kingdom." It is kind of crazy you get to see all of the people that we teach go through all of these trials but when they cling to the gospel when they come through they are completely different people. That is our purpose here in life - to become who God needs us to become.
For instance we are teaching this lady right now who comes from a background of very LDS people. So much so that her uncle was Elder Faust. She was raised in the gospel and she knows what is right. But something must have happened in her life and she turned away from the teachings of the Gospel and lost all faith in Jesus Christ. She turned to a TV show where they went and Ghost hunted and searched for exactly opposite of what they wanted. But there must have been a reason for her to go through that - what I am not totally sure yet. But hopefully here in the next few weeks as we teach her and her boyfriend we will have more to that story!
Conference was so awesome! I am just kind of bummed out that it is all over. As Bill told you we did have an investigator there and she really enjoyed it. She has a baptismal date of October 26 and we are really excited about that. She is doing super good and is really catching the vision I think. The cool part of the whole thing is the reason that she started to investigate was all because of the people she worked with and the example that they were to her.
Other than that, not too much is happening here in Mesquite. We have awesome members as you know, like Bill who is just the best. I love that man so much and he does so much for me and all of the missionaries in the zone. He is just one of those guys who the whole town knows and everyone wants to be around. I am super excited for you to meet him and I love everyday that I get to be out here. It is crazy how just over a year ago I wasn't even totally sure if I wanted to come on a mission. I know that the mission is the best thing I could have ever done. I feel so much closer to my Father in Heaven than I have ever felt before in my whole life. And to hear that He is watching over you while I am gone is just another testimony to me that He is real and that He does know each and every one of us. Just keep doing everything that we can to share the gospel and always be in service to other people and the Lord will bless us! One thing we talked about in MLC was what really is a blessing? Sometimes we look at trials or things as punishment, or that maybe we did something wrong. As I thought about it, sometimes trials are blessings because they give us opportunity to grow and become more like our Father in Heaven.
I am so excited to hear that everyone is doing good. I know God watches out for all of us everyday. I know the first thought is that you're all being blessed because of my service, but I really think it is the other way around. I am in an awesome area with an awesome companion living with Bill!! haha I am pretty sure that I am being blessed because you're all living by faith in the trials he allows you to go through. I love you all so much and I hope you have another awesome week!! Stay Safe!! I love you!\
Elder Crapo
PS Give Hayes a kiss from Uncle Brax:)
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