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Friday, February 8, 2013


Dear fam,

   Hey everyone!  Things here are starting to roll again finally! I have been staying super busy and having fun with a lot of things going on. We had a baptism in my old area on Saturday.  We were able to get a ride and I got to baptize her it was awesome!! Her name is Mason.  She is the neighbor of Sabrina.   We found her from teaching Sabrina.  It was awesome. The work here in my ward is really starting to pick up, but it is definitely a different type of ward and a different type of work. We are just doing all that we can to keep busy and find new people on our own. Some missionaries in the past have really turned the members off of missionary work, which is never good.  Now we are just trying to smooth all of that over, plus hasten the Lord's work. He really is changing the pace of things. I guess in a missionary meeting a few weeks ago they talked about how they would like to have each stake in Las Vegas baptizing 1000 people a year!!! Last year our stake only baptized like 39 people, so there is a ton of work to do.

   The Super Bowl was definitely no fun for us.  We didn't like it at all.  You would have thought that it was a dang national holiday and that we shouldn't be allowed to roam the streets on such a day.  We would have went to a members home, but they all wanted us to watch the Super Bowl.  If the work really is going to pick up by that much, we can't be doing stuff like that. So we just tracted and tried to find some new people to teach, which was super fun... But no one said missionary work is just all fun and games!! Elder Frost and I have been gettting along great, though.  He is a really good kid.  We work super hard and I haven't felt so good about my mission since I have been out here. Definitely a change of things, having to worry about other elders and how they are doing.  But it is a super good thing and makes it really interesting.

    One thing that we have been doing to help the members get more excited about the missionary work in the ward, is we go around and share a lesson with them and then talk to them about people that they might know that need the gospel in their lives.   The other night we were going to a family with the last name Dree's.  Well, come to find out that is Shailee Simmons' in-laws!! Kinda Crazy how small the world is! And this one is even crazier! We went to go and teach a less active family that the bishop had asked us to go and visit.  Their last name was wood.  So we go over there and he asks me where I am from.  And he is like, "oh yeah, I have a niece that lives in Parker"... "I was like haha What? Really? Parker, Idaho?? Well, then I am sure that I know who they are." Well, come to find out that is Angie Peterson's uncle!! That's crazy!

    Other than that, all is well.  We have a few people that we are working with and hoping to get ready for baptism this month or next month.  We have had a lot of potentials, but no one is really serious right now.  That stinks, because we want so bad to be doing what the Lord wants.  Last month was the lowest baptizing month in the history of our mission.   We only had 32, which is really bad.  I am not really sure what is causing all of that, but hopefully we can all get to work and turn that around.

    Weather here is doing good.  I'm sure it is much nicer than at home:) It is in the 60's and keeping me nice and warm.  I do miss the snow sometimes but I am sure that the snow will get back to me soon enough! Winters here really are super nice.  I am just dreading the SUPER hot summer months of July and August.  They seem to be looking at me laughing.

     One struggle we have been having is with the Elders Quorom president. I swear he sometimes is a little to over board.  He honestly makes me feel like the worst missionary ever to walk the face of the earth.    I think that he is here for a reason. It jut stinks when you think you do something good and then you didn't.  It is teaching me a lot about leadership and what kind of a leader I Don't want to be. It is also showing me how to be more diligent in my work, because I want the ward to be on our side. Another thing it has taught me is that I am only accountable to the Lord - not to the Elders Qourom President.  So it doesn't matter what he thinks, as long as I do what the Lord wants me to be doing. That is all that I can do, which really is a comforting feeling!  I am really enjoying the work right now.  It has taken me out of my comfort zone, which is a good thing and is showing me another area where I can improve.

     I am going to get going.  I love you all so much and hope that you have a good day! I will talk to you on Monday! I love you all so much and thank you, mom for the posters.  They really livened up the apartment and we needed that BAD!!! Thank you all so much for the support and I miss you all. Keep up the good work at home and find people who are in need of the gospel! This message is so important and the Lord really needs our help right now.  I know that this is His church and that His gospel is restored here on the earth today.  As we do His work, He is here with us, helping us along the way!

Elder Crapo

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