Hey Family!!
How the heck is everyone?! I hope all is well back in good old Idaho! I am going to try and send some pictures sometime this week and figure out how I can work all that out. Things here in Las Vegas are going good. Of Course there are struggles but that's life right?! We were able to get a ride home from church yesterday with a man named Brother Gubler. He talked about how his business just went under and how the airport owes him 14 million dollars, and yet he is so happy and has an awesome attitude. So I know that I can't ever complain haha.
As for this week last Monday after we got done emailing you we went and we pawned these old guitars that a member had left at our apartment. It was awesome, but took forever to get rid of! We were there for like an hour but we ended up getting like 45 bucks out of it. It was awesome! Then after that we got to play basketball and then write a few letters and then it was back to work!
Wednesday we were able to meet with a lady named Sabrina Chang. The other missionaries got a referral for her and visited her once and so we went and taught part of the first lesson about prophets. The spirit was so strong- it was great. I was also able to give her son a blessing and that was awesome! It was good to finally get the first one over with. haha We gave her and her other son a blessing as wel because they have been sick. We tried to get her to church yesterday, but her A/C went out. That really threw a cork in things because her and her husband had to go and stay in a motel. Dang you Las Vegas heat!! But hopefully this next week we will be able to set her with a baptismal date. Her husband is a Buddhist... but he is very supportive of her joining the church and wants his kids to go on a mission? haha We were way way stoked because it sounds like eventually she will be baptized.
On every Thursday we meet with this man named Brother Van Der Wyk. He is way cool. He is a great man and he has some sick guitars that you will see when I send home my SD card. He let me hold some and take pics with them. It was fun. I love the guy. He is amazing!
After Brother Van Der Wyks guitar lessons we had the most awkward dinner of our lives!!! It was crazy. haha We went to Enrichment night. Yeah- AWKWARD! But the food was the Bomb!!! The people were really nice. The members here are awesome. But I had to let you know some of our dinner adventures. hahaha
Now to my trying investigators. We have this investigator, and now when you think of a messed up person I think of her. I am really struggling with loving her because she is so selfish! She knows that the church is true or at least she says she does. She says that she believes in Joseph Smith and prophets and she comes to church every week and goes to all the classes and is married to a very active member of the church who is in the Stake Sunday School council. But she has one problem.... addiction, she can't get off of the pain meds as well as stop drinking. She claims that she has stopped drinking, but I am not sure if I believe that. Then we had a lesson that was so crazy. We had the spirit there so strong and you could tell that she was feeling it, and then it honestly felt like Satan just came into the room and ripped it right away from her and she just totally let him. It was annoying and honestly a little heart breaking. She has some serious issues.
We then had zone Conference and wow that was good! President Black is so inspired. But one thing that stuck out to me was we were practicing the first vision and I thought I had it memorized and when I practiced it the first time to Elder Cunningham I totally forgot like half of it. Then we were challenged to do it again. So I started over and as I recited it to him I had a very very strong impression come over me. I said it exactly perfect and the spirit was so so strong. Then as I began to testify that I knew it was true I was almost over whelmed with the spirit and tears filled my eyes. I know that Joseph Smith was a prophet and that this church is true. And I found myself feeling bad because I have been holding off in telling people, because I am scared. I have found myself repenting of that because that is very very selfish of me. I should be running door to door trying to get people to listen, not being nervous about it. So that is something I am trying to improve on everyday.
Then we had church yesterday and it was 7 hours, and it is really long. haha. But it is really good and we had a fast to try and find new people. We began our fast Saturday night and we went out on bikes and tried to just talk to people. As we were headed home we saw a family and we just rode by. We got to the corner and we both looked at each other, and without another word we turned around and rode up the hill and talked to them. We got an appointment with the whole family and they seemed to be very receptive. I know that the Holy Ghost is guiding us daily.
I love you all so much and know that things here are doing great! Keep me posted on all the grandkids and remember snail mail isn't a bad thing:)
I love you all so much and thank you so much for the GPS. It has changed our tracting tremendously! haha We are much more effective. I love you, you're amazing!! Keep up the good work and stay strong. I love you guys!!!!
Elder Crapo
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Friday, August 24, 2012
Monday, August 13, 2012
First Email from the Mission Field and The Red Rock District.
Dear Family,
How the heck are you guys?! I feels like it has been forever! haha I was way stoked to talk to mom and dad last week and then the flight was awesome. Boy, were we excited then we soon realized we had like ten hours of class that day until we could even begin working! I was able to sit next to a guy on the plan and I kept having the impression to talk to him, but he pretended to be asleep or read or something the whole flight. Well, little did he know Elder Crapo had a plan. haha I kind of have a "greenie" fire I guess you could say. But when the plan landed I began to talk to him and found out that Don was actually a really nice guy who is very family oriented and just wants the best for his kids. He was baptized when he was younger and his family is great. He has a son who lives in Washington and plays baseball in the minors. We talked and I was able to give him a pass along card with my name on it and he said he would like for me to come and visit him. But unfortunately I'm not in his area.
Now this next part is for everyone but more-so for Brett, haha cuz we talked about how I wanted to go the ghetto. Well fam, I'm not in the ghetto. I am probably in the richest part of Las Vegas you can get in. I live in a casita next to a million or two million dollar member house. I have to go through a gate which is guarded 24/7 and then another gate which is a code before I can even get into my neighborhood. It is crazy! We live across the street from a 49ers football player and Will Ferrell Lives down the road. Holly Maddison lives in the next neighborhood over and we saw her house but I have yet to see any of the movie stars. haha. I could go on but they aren't important because all these people are ridicoulusly rich!!! We really have a hard time finding places to tract because you can't tract gated neighborhoods. There are only two neighborhoods in my area that aren't gated. But that won't stop us. hahaha We follow cars in all the time and go tract areas that don't have guards, and members will sometimes give us the code also. Oh yeah, and hopefully I can get some sick hookups cuz Wes, Coy and Jeff- wait till you see the pics of the golf course I live on!! IT is unreal but I'm not allowed to golf because I can't afford the $50,000 membership fee a year.
Now companions- as you all know my MTC comp was a real struggle, but we made it through and I am learning to love people. My new comp is a stud. He is from Missouri but his mom and dad just recently moved to Rexburg... kinda random huh? hahah His dad is applying to be a profesor there. They live kind of in Hibbard, I believe, but he really doesn't know yet because he actually has never been to Rexburg. As for the "3 some". Yes, I was in one because my comp Elder Williams who is from Vernal, UT left last night at 8:30 to go to Mexico. So we have been working on my Spanish haha. We have been working like crazy, we had a training the other day from President Black and he showed a video from President Holland. He talked about how every mission president should pray for an Idaho farm boy... Talk about throw the pressure on me!!! haha But like I told president on day one I am going to be the elder you send to work, forget about, and know that it will get done. The Lord has sent me to this area because it is slow right now. I have come to realize how little of the doctrine that I know but I am working everyday as hard as I can to gain a greater knowledge. But I can say this, that my testimony is as strong as it ever will be and I can already tell you I have changed so much. hahaha I get scared sometimes that people wouldn't like me at home. haha
I will say, though, this isn't a walk in the park. I still have days where I have moments where I wonder what the heck I am doing, but I press on. There are moments when I wonder if I am good enough or if I am even making a difference in anyones life. But you push the thoughts out with thoughts of Jesus Christ and His atonement. I struggle at times with thoughts of home and how much I miss my brothers, which is a little surprising to me at times. hahahaha. But I really do miss Jeff, Wes, Coy and Brett a ton. Why I'll never really know but I am so stoked that I get to follow in their footsteps and follow Christ. But don't get me wrong, the whole family I miss, but those are just small thoughts that come and go. I don't dwell on them. I can tell you I truly enjoy what I am doing and I am so glad that I am here.
The members here are unreal. I am getting pampered. I just worry what President Black is doing here, because he has set me up way too good. I feel as though I am being prepared, which worries me at times. haha. I got good companions and good people all around me. The Finaus should be adding mom and dad on Facebook. They are an older couple who are my new adopted grandparents. They really are amazing. Brother Finau is from Tonga and he knew the guy off the "Other Side of Heaven" and used to feed him all the time. He was not converted until he came here to the United States. Such a great man and he has the coolest accent, but it breaks my heart because he is slowly dying from cancer. But he knows exactly where he is going and so he talks of death as if it is going to the grocery store. hahaha.
I have to tell you an awesome experience I guess, right? haha So the first door I ever knocked on was a house with a HUGE lifted Excursion out front with KNOCKOUT painted all over the car. So I went to the door and this lady named Ashley came out. I told her who we were and she actually said we could come back!! I was stoked! I mean how lucky am I? First door, right? haha Yeah, Elder Crapo. Well, we go to her house the next day and take Mitchell Paul, a member who just returned from his mission and so we look like the freaking Mafia!! But we go none the less. Right as we walk in she has this vase and as I turn to shut the door my bag hits the vase it falls over and shatters everywhere!! What the heck right? So I am like, dang it cant go much worse than this! And we teach her things go good, we get her to commit to come to church, and she actually prayed, which was good. But she has this annoying as heck dog. I really think it is Satan. haha But as we stand up to leave, it craps right on her white carpet hahahaha So we had one heck of an experience with her and she ended up ditching us for church!!
But I have to finish up here and I will write more in my letter. Oh, and as for emails- it is legal for anyone and everyone to email me, but the time constraint kills me. haha So I can't write you all back. I try hard to get to as many as I can and then I can write you letters back. But letters are always nice to get in the mail....:) haha So yeah, letters are "gooder" as Regg would say. But have fun this week and be safe!! Remember the Lord is always with me, so no worries here and Elder Cunnigham is keeping me in line. I love you all and hope to hear from you soon.
Elder Crapo
How the heck are you guys?! I feels like it has been forever! haha I was way stoked to talk to mom and dad last week and then the flight was awesome. Boy, were we excited then we soon realized we had like ten hours of class that day until we could even begin working! I was able to sit next to a guy on the plan and I kept having the impression to talk to him, but he pretended to be asleep or read or something the whole flight. Well, little did he know Elder Crapo had a plan. haha I kind of have a "greenie" fire I guess you could say. But when the plan landed I began to talk to him and found out that Don was actually a really nice guy who is very family oriented and just wants the best for his kids. He was baptized when he was younger and his family is great. He has a son who lives in Washington and plays baseball in the minors. We talked and I was able to give him a pass along card with my name on it and he said he would like for me to come and visit him. But unfortunately I'm not in his area.
Now this next part is for everyone but more-so for Brett, haha cuz we talked about how I wanted to go the ghetto. Well fam, I'm not in the ghetto. I am probably in the richest part of Las Vegas you can get in. I live in a casita next to a million or two million dollar member house. I have to go through a gate which is guarded 24/7 and then another gate which is a code before I can even get into my neighborhood. It is crazy! We live across the street from a 49ers football player and Will Ferrell Lives down the road. Holly Maddison lives in the next neighborhood over and we saw her house but I have yet to see any of the movie stars. haha. I could go on but they aren't important because all these people are ridicoulusly rich!!! We really have a hard time finding places to tract because you can't tract gated neighborhoods. There are only two neighborhoods in my area that aren't gated. But that won't stop us. hahaha We follow cars in all the time and go tract areas that don't have guards, and members will sometimes give us the code also. Oh yeah, and hopefully I can get some sick hookups cuz Wes, Coy and Jeff- wait till you see the pics of the golf course I live on!! IT is unreal but I'm not allowed to golf because I can't afford the $50,000 membership fee a year.
Now companions- as you all know my MTC comp was a real struggle, but we made it through and I am learning to love people. My new comp is a stud. He is from Missouri but his mom and dad just recently moved to Rexburg... kinda random huh? hahah His dad is applying to be a profesor there. They live kind of in Hibbard, I believe, but he really doesn't know yet because he actually has never been to Rexburg. As for the "3 some". Yes, I was in one because my comp Elder Williams who is from Vernal, UT left last night at 8:30 to go to Mexico. So we have been working on my Spanish haha. We have been working like crazy, we had a training the other day from President Black and he showed a video from President Holland. He talked about how every mission president should pray for an Idaho farm boy... Talk about throw the pressure on me!!! haha But like I told president on day one I am going to be the elder you send to work, forget about, and know that it will get done. The Lord has sent me to this area because it is slow right now. I have come to realize how little of the doctrine that I know but I am working everyday as hard as I can to gain a greater knowledge. But I can say this, that my testimony is as strong as it ever will be and I can already tell you I have changed so much. hahaha I get scared sometimes that people wouldn't like me at home. haha
I will say, though, this isn't a walk in the park. I still have days where I have moments where I wonder what the heck I am doing, but I press on. There are moments when I wonder if I am good enough or if I am even making a difference in anyones life. But you push the thoughts out with thoughts of Jesus Christ and His atonement. I struggle at times with thoughts of home and how much I miss my brothers, which is a little surprising to me at times. hahahaha. But I really do miss Jeff, Wes, Coy and Brett a ton. Why I'll never really know but I am so stoked that I get to follow in their footsteps and follow Christ. But don't get me wrong, the whole family I miss, but those are just small thoughts that come and go. I don't dwell on them. I can tell you I truly enjoy what I am doing and I am so glad that I am here.
The members here are unreal. I am getting pampered. I just worry what President Black is doing here, because he has set me up way too good. I feel as though I am being prepared, which worries me at times. haha. I got good companions and good people all around me. The Finaus should be adding mom and dad on Facebook. They are an older couple who are my new adopted grandparents. They really are amazing. Brother Finau is from Tonga and he knew the guy off the "Other Side of Heaven" and used to feed him all the time. He was not converted until he came here to the United States. Such a great man and he has the coolest accent, but it breaks my heart because he is slowly dying from cancer. But he knows exactly where he is going and so he talks of death as if it is going to the grocery store. hahaha.
I have to tell you an awesome experience I guess, right? haha So the first door I ever knocked on was a house with a HUGE lifted Excursion out front with KNOCKOUT painted all over the car. So I went to the door and this lady named Ashley came out. I told her who we were and she actually said we could come back!! I was stoked! I mean how lucky am I? First door, right? haha Yeah, Elder Crapo. Well, we go to her house the next day and take Mitchell Paul, a member who just returned from his mission and so we look like the freaking Mafia!! But we go none the less. Right as we walk in she has this vase and as I turn to shut the door my bag hits the vase it falls over and shatters everywhere!! What the heck right? So I am like, dang it cant go much worse than this! And we teach her things go good, we get her to commit to come to church, and she actually prayed, which was good. But she has this annoying as heck dog. I really think it is Satan. haha But as we stand up to leave, it craps right on her white carpet hahahaha So we had one heck of an experience with her and she ended up ditching us for church!!
But I have to finish up here and I will write more in my letter. Oh, and as for emails- it is legal for anyone and everyone to email me, but the time constraint kills me. haha So I can't write you all back. I try hard to get to as many as I can and then I can write you letters back. But letters are always nice to get in the mail....:) haha So yeah, letters are "gooder" as Regg would say. But have fun this week and be safe!! Remember the Lord is always with me, so no worries here and Elder Cunnigham is keeping me in line. I love you all and hope to hear from you soon.
Elder Crapo
Thursday, August 9, 2012
MTC letter July 30, 2012
Dear Family,
How the heck is everyone?! Things in the good old MTC are awesome I have been enjoying the spirit that is here and really learning a lot. I feel really bad that I haven't been able to mail you a ton, but I am striving to be exactly obedient. That means I can only snail mail and email on mondays:( But know that I really appreciate everything that you send me. It makes my week go so much better. As for Weston selling my bike- I really want to come home and kiss you right now! hahah I know that it is a blessing from the Lord. As for the families- I am trying to write one a week. I wrote the Rodericks last week, but was not able to send it until today because once again, I felt as though I had to be exactly obedient. I feel that the Lord has blessed me for that. So two of you will be getting letters from me this week!!! Well. i guess I better tell you the secret because i want to include you with all that is happening here... I got made District Leader, which is going great!!! I enjoy the position. It just means lots of meetings during the week and on Sunday. I am grateful for the oppurtunity to grow. We got our travel plans this week! We leave the airport at 8:35am on Monday of next week. So Mom and Dad and whoever wants to hear from me can expect a phone call. But remember I have to make sure my district all gets to call. So if I must, I might miss that. Some of the elders definately need the phone call worse than me. President Larkin told me not to worry about that, that i would be able to call for sure. So sometime between like 6 and 830am I should be calling on Monday for roughly 10 or 15 minutes. Well, about my week.... I guess I better be honest and talk about my struggles. See my struggles are a little different than I thought that they would. My biggest struggle for the week was Jealousy. I have another district that is in our zone who speaks Cantonese. Weston and Coy i Envy the crap out of you!!! haha I have been hearing them pray and seeing them and I want to learn a language so BAD. So today I was able to go to the temple and I wanted an answer why cant I speak a language. Well, boy was humility embarrasing for me. I went through the whole session with that question, and as I sat down in the celestial room I had an overwhelming feeling of guilt hit me. I am going to Las Vegas for a reason. I am really not sure, but I know that I had the strongest feeling that there is a reason. There is someone in Las Vegas who speaks English that needs Elder Crapo to come and talk to them. So i am learning that sometimes it does not matter what I want. It is all about what the Lord wants. I love my district and we all get along great. We almost get a little to crazy sometimes. So we decided to have a little "come to Jesus party" and work has turned around tremendously. I promise you I am working my hardest at trying to keep my eye single to the glory of God. We had a talk in devotional on Tuesday where he said he has heard people say we are obsessed with Jesus Christ. And his answer to that was, yes, we are!! Without him we are nothing. Without him how can we ever return to live with each other again? I want all of the nieces and nephews to try and learn a lesson it took me nineteen years to learn. Listen closely, because it is the key to keeping faith. Our Heavenly Father is very real. He listens to you and He gets great joy when we do. He weeps when we weep. He knows exactly what we need and why we need it, I had a really cool experience with Brother Barin and President Larkin. Brother Barin looked at me and asked how I felt about my new calling as District Leader. I told him I felt a little overwhelmed because I have the Zone Leaders in my district. So in district things i am over them and then in zone matters they are over me. Brother Barin looked me in the eye and said "Elder Crapo I want you to know that as President and I thought about who should be the next District Leader, the Holy Ghost bore witness to us that it was supposed to be you. Your Heavenly Father knows what you are doing. I'm not sure why you're supposed to be the District Leader, we just knew that it was you." Heavenly Father knows that I am weak but as I strive to become a better person and follow Christ's example, like i teach everyday to the investigators we have here, I know that He understands that i am trying. I am here to tell you I'm very far from perfect. At times i have regreted the example I set for my awesome nieces and nephews. But I do know without a shadow of a doubt that this gospel is true and that we are all here to be of service. I do miss home at times and there are days Elder Jacobsen and I are at each others throats, but the Holy Ghost is with me and he comforts me. I guess right now my biggest fear is of not working hard enough and not being obiedent enough. I appreciate all the letters so much- you have no idea!!! They get me through my week so if you have time, keep sending and I will work my hardest to make sure you all hear from me. I want our whole family to gain blessings from this. It is scary to think of the boy that I was just two short weeks ago and think of who I am becoming. I just pray daily that I can become a man who our Heavenly Father will see on the other side of the vail and say.... "This is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased." If I can get that goal I am where i want to be. So just as a reminder, I leave the MTC on next Monday. I'll be in the airport calling anytime from 6 to 8:30am would be my guess. I am only allowed to call immediate family and I won't have a ton of time. Thanks again for all the mail and the prayers. They help me so much and I know our Heavenly Father listens to them. He is watching over you all while I'm gone. Don't completly forget about me, but know that I am doing the Lords work and He is watching over me! But I am now 17 seconds over on my time so I must go, you will hear from me Monday!!!!
Love you,
Your Elder Crapo
How the heck is everyone?! Things in the good old MTC are awesome I have been enjoying the spirit that is here and really learning a lot. I feel really bad that I haven't been able to mail you a ton, but I am striving to be exactly obedient. That means I can only snail mail and email on mondays:( But know that I really appreciate everything that you send me. It makes my week go so much better. As for Weston selling my bike- I really want to come home and kiss you right now! hahah I know that it is a blessing from the Lord. As for the families- I am trying to write one a week. I wrote the Rodericks last week, but was not able to send it until today because once again, I felt as though I had to be exactly obedient. I feel that the Lord has blessed me for that. So two of you will be getting letters from me this week!!! Well. i guess I better tell you the secret because i want to include you with all that is happening here... I got made District Leader, which is going great!!! I enjoy the position. It just means lots of meetings during the week and on Sunday. I am grateful for the oppurtunity to grow. We got our travel plans this week! We leave the airport at 8:35am on Monday of next week. So Mom and Dad and whoever wants to hear from me can expect a phone call. But remember I have to make sure my district all gets to call. So if I must, I might miss that. Some of the elders definately need the phone call worse than me. President Larkin told me not to worry about that, that i would be able to call for sure. So sometime between like 6 and 830am I should be calling on Monday for roughly 10 or 15 minutes. Well, about my week.... I guess I better be honest and talk about my struggles. See my struggles are a little different than I thought that they would. My biggest struggle for the week was Jealousy. I have another district that is in our zone who speaks Cantonese. Weston and Coy i Envy the crap out of you!!! haha I have been hearing them pray and seeing them and I want to learn a language so BAD. So today I was able to go to the temple and I wanted an answer why cant I speak a language. Well, boy was humility embarrasing for me. I went through the whole session with that question, and as I sat down in the celestial room I had an overwhelming feeling of guilt hit me. I am going to Las Vegas for a reason. I am really not sure, but I know that I had the strongest feeling that there is a reason. There is someone in Las Vegas who speaks English that needs Elder Crapo to come and talk to them. So i am learning that sometimes it does not matter what I want. It is all about what the Lord wants. I love my district and we all get along great. We almost get a little to crazy sometimes. So we decided to have a little "come to Jesus party" and work has turned around tremendously. I promise you I am working my hardest at trying to keep my eye single to the glory of God. We had a talk in devotional on Tuesday where he said he has heard people say we are obsessed with Jesus Christ. And his answer to that was, yes, we are!! Without him we are nothing. Without him how can we ever return to live with each other again? I want all of the nieces and nephews to try and learn a lesson it took me nineteen years to learn. Listen closely, because it is the key to keeping faith. Our Heavenly Father is very real. He listens to you and He gets great joy when we do. He weeps when we weep. He knows exactly what we need and why we need it, I had a really cool experience with Brother Barin and President Larkin. Brother Barin looked at me and asked how I felt about my new calling as District Leader. I told him I felt a little overwhelmed because I have the Zone Leaders in my district. So in district things i am over them and then in zone matters they are over me. Brother Barin looked me in the eye and said "Elder Crapo I want you to know that as President and I thought about who should be the next District Leader, the Holy Ghost bore witness to us that it was supposed to be you. Your Heavenly Father knows what you are doing. I'm not sure why you're supposed to be the District Leader, we just knew that it was you." Heavenly Father knows that I am weak but as I strive to become a better person and follow Christ's example, like i teach everyday to the investigators we have here, I know that He understands that i am trying. I am here to tell you I'm very far from perfect. At times i have regreted the example I set for my awesome nieces and nephews. But I do know without a shadow of a doubt that this gospel is true and that we are all here to be of service. I do miss home at times and there are days Elder Jacobsen and I are at each others throats, but the Holy Ghost is with me and he comforts me. I guess right now my biggest fear is of not working hard enough and not being obiedent enough. I appreciate all the letters so much- you have no idea!!! They get me through my week so if you have time, keep sending and I will work my hardest to make sure you all hear from me. I want our whole family to gain blessings from this. It is scary to think of the boy that I was just two short weeks ago and think of who I am becoming. I just pray daily that I can become a man who our Heavenly Father will see on the other side of the vail and say.... "This is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased." If I can get that goal I am where i want to be. So just as a reminder, I leave the MTC on next Monday. I'll be in the airport calling anytime from 6 to 8:30am would be my guess. I am only allowed to call immediate family and I won't have a ton of time. Thanks again for all the mail and the prayers. They help me so much and I know our Heavenly Father listens to them. He is watching over you all while I'm gone. Don't completly forget about me, but know that I am doing the Lords work and He is watching over me! But I am now 17 seconds over on my time so I must go, you will hear from me Monday!!!!
Love you,
Your Elder Crapo
Letter from the MTC July 23, 2012
July 23, 2012
Dear Family,
How the heck are you guys!!!! Things here in the MTC are awesome, and wow the spirit is so strong! I can't even believe it. There are days when I do have a thought of home come into my mind but they are quickly replaced with thoughts of Las Vegas and the investigators that I will soon get to meet. I wanted to start by saying thanks to Mom and Dad for the great support I have been receiving from you guys. It is so awesome to get some snail mail every once in a while and show off the cookies I received from my mom. I now realize how much you two have done for me. But I'm sure that you are wondering how my companions are and they are all very good guys. We are from all parts of the US. My companion Elder Jacobsen is from Texas and my two other roomates are from South Carolina and Oregon. They both have amazing testimonies and are strong in the gospel. We are all going to the Las Vegas West misson, as well as the other two sets of Elders in our district. Elder Pyron is from Virginia, Elder Lane from Colorado, Elder Wrathall from Michigan, Elder Gullian from Bozeman, Montana. We had our first teaching experiences this week and Elder Jacobsen and I were able to start with Patrick... What a wake up call!!! haha We did terrible. Our teacher actually stopped the lesson and made us start over. Then we were able to teach Lynn and we did so much better with her. She listened and I think she may have actually felt our love for her. I actually began to teach by the Spirit. It was a strong thing for me, because that has been a big struggle for me. I have been studying how to feel the spirit and recognize it and that has been helping. One thing is for sure, I need to learn the scriptures better. During our lesson with Patrick, the one Scripture I wanted to share with him right before baptism I totally forgot... I turned to Elder Jacobsen and said, "what was that scripture?" He looked back with a panicked look in his eye and replied, "I don't know elder." hahah But things are great. I am struggling with learning to love everyone even people I don't like. I won't tell you that this has been easy because I'm now an Elder and missionaries aren't supposed to lie. But it has been the most rewarding four days of my life. I am finally finding out what Braxton is made of. Last night we were able to hear from Elder Allen- an Area Seventy here. He gave a talk about the pioneers and I honestly felt as though he were speaking to me. I have been having a hard time feeling like I am up to par or good enough for this calling because of how imperfect I have been in my life. He then said something that hit me so strongly tears began to flow down my face. He told us that we are also committing a sin if we will not let ourselves be forgiven if we have formerly taken care of these things. I know that the atonement is a very real thing and our Heavenly Father is there. He loves me so much and He is guiding me everyday as I pray and ask for guidance. I also met an Elder Allgood. He said is grandma lives in Saint Anthony, so if you know his grandma tell her he is a total Stud!!! Oh, and Wes get how freaking awesome this is- my Zone Leaders are Cantonese speaking going to Honk Kong!!!!! It is so cool to hear them speak the language my brother spoke and sometimes I grow green with envy. But I do know that Las Vegas needs Elder Crapo. I am not quite yet sure for what, but there is a reason I am going there. Well, my time is almost up. I will try and Snail mail you. Thanks so much for your prayers. They are much appreciated and they are helping me study as well as grow in the church. Tell the nieces and nephews I look at their pictures every night and think of them. You are all in my prayers. Know that our Heavenly Father is listening to you. Thank you to everyone who has been so great to write me. It helps a ton. I am keeping a positive attitude and I know that I am here for the right reasons. I love you all so much and keep having a ton of fun for me!!!! Don't worry about me. I am in the Lords hands. Remember the Church is true and keep up the good work!! I have to go- we only have thirty minutes. I love you and and remember don't have too much fun cutting hay without me!!!!:)
Dear Family,
How the heck are you guys!!!! Things here in the MTC are awesome, and wow the spirit is so strong! I can't even believe it. There are days when I do have a thought of home come into my mind but they are quickly replaced with thoughts of Las Vegas and the investigators that I will soon get to meet. I wanted to start by saying thanks to Mom and Dad for the great support I have been receiving from you guys. It is so awesome to get some snail mail every once in a while and show off the cookies I received from my mom. I now realize how much you two have done for me. But I'm sure that you are wondering how my companions are and they are all very good guys. We are from all parts of the US. My companion Elder Jacobsen is from Texas and my two other roomates are from South Carolina and Oregon. They both have amazing testimonies and are strong in the gospel. We are all going to the Las Vegas West misson, as well as the other two sets of Elders in our district. Elder Pyron is from Virginia, Elder Lane from Colorado, Elder Wrathall from Michigan, Elder Gullian from Bozeman, Montana. We had our first teaching experiences this week and Elder Jacobsen and I were able to start with Patrick... What a wake up call!!! haha We did terrible. Our teacher actually stopped the lesson and made us start over. Then we were able to teach Lynn and we did so much better with her. She listened and I think she may have actually felt our love for her. I actually began to teach by the Spirit. It was a strong thing for me, because that has been a big struggle for me. I have been studying how to feel the spirit and recognize it and that has been helping. One thing is for sure, I need to learn the scriptures better. During our lesson with Patrick, the one Scripture I wanted to share with him right before baptism I totally forgot... I turned to Elder Jacobsen and said, "what was that scripture?" He looked back with a panicked look in his eye and replied, "I don't know elder." hahah But things are great. I am struggling with learning to love everyone even people I don't like. I won't tell you that this has been easy because I'm now an Elder and missionaries aren't supposed to lie. But it has been the most rewarding four days of my life. I am finally finding out what Braxton is made of. Last night we were able to hear from Elder Allen- an Area Seventy here. He gave a talk about the pioneers and I honestly felt as though he were speaking to me. I have been having a hard time feeling like I am up to par or good enough for this calling because of how imperfect I have been in my life. He then said something that hit me so strongly tears began to flow down my face. He told us that we are also committing a sin if we will not let ourselves be forgiven if we have formerly taken care of these things. I know that the atonement is a very real thing and our Heavenly Father is there. He loves me so much and He is guiding me everyday as I pray and ask for guidance. I also met an Elder Allgood. He said is grandma lives in Saint Anthony, so if you know his grandma tell her he is a total Stud!!! Oh, and Wes get how freaking awesome this is- my Zone Leaders are Cantonese speaking going to Honk Kong!!!!! It is so cool to hear them speak the language my brother spoke and sometimes I grow green with envy. But I do know that Las Vegas needs Elder Crapo. I am not quite yet sure for what, but there is a reason I am going there. Well, my time is almost up. I will try and Snail mail you. Thanks so much for your prayers. They are much appreciated and they are helping me study as well as grow in the church. Tell the nieces and nephews I look at their pictures every night and think of them. You are all in my prayers. Know that our Heavenly Father is listening to you. Thank you to everyone who has been so great to write me. It helps a ton. I am keeping a positive attitude and I know that I am here for the right reasons. I love you all so much and keep having a ton of fun for me!!!! Don't worry about me. I am in the Lords hands. Remember the Church is true and keep up the good work!! I have to go- we only have thirty minutes. I love you and and remember don't have too much fun cutting hay without me!!!!:)
And.....he's off!
After church on Sunday, we had a big luncheon at the house. Many of his close friends and family came to say goodbye and enjoy a good time. I think Mom and Dad's house is known for good times. Braxton and his friends have spent hours and hours there having a good time. It's one of those places where you don't even feel like you have to knock, because you know you're always welcome. You don't have to take your shoes off and there is always food! All of us kids had the same experiences growing up. Our friends always knew they were welcome and would come often and stay long hours. We had a great afternoon, followed by an emotional evening as everyone said goodbye.

The next two days were spent making final preparations and saying goodbyes. Tuesday evening, the whole family went to the Stake President's office with Braxton where he was set apart as an official missionary. He was given a special priesthood blessing and we all felt the Spirit very strongly. It was an experience I think the nieces and nephews will remember for a long time to come. After that we all went to Mom and Dad's where we had Root Beer floats. Then came the teary goodbyes. The tears were tears of joy, but with them came the reality that we were all going to miss him like crazy.
Cole Bauer (who is leaving on his mission shortly) and Alyssa Rumsey |
Preslie and the Richard's twins stopped by, too. |
A little friendly game of kickball was played. The oldies against the youngsters. (It's sad that all of Braxton's siblings were on the oldies team.) Mom even got in on the action! |
Braxton, Kelton Crittendon, Ashley Siddoway, Cole Bauer, Whitney Bartschi, Kayla and Kenzie Richards and Alyssa Rumsey. What a great group of friends! |
Ashley Siddoway, Mataia Roderick and Beth Wilson |
Alli Anderson and Mataia |
Early on Wednesday morning, Mom and Dad took Braxton to the MTC. This was Braxton leaving the house to start his two year adventure! Exciting! |
Good times in the car! About an hour before they got to the MTC, Braxton sent one last text to all of us adult siblings and in-laws. It read, "The church is true guys!!:) See you in two!!!" |
Where would we be without Mom? |
Dad is such a strength to us all! |
Priceless! |
Missionary Farewell
The following is a portion of the talk he gave in church on Sunday, July 15, 2012. He left for the MTC the following Wednesday.
Good morning Brothers and Sisters,
I would like to just begin with how grateful I am for everyone who came today to support me. I know people may have made sacrifices to be here and I just want you to know I am truly grateful to all of you. As I begin my talk I had a story come to mind about our new bishopric. Now in order for me to tell you this story you need to know a little background. The one on the stand who is an older version of me is my brother, Weston. Weston and I have a pretty good relationship and when I was younger anything he said I believed. One night we were headed to the twenty fourth of July rodeo and Weston convinced me that he was singing the national anthem to begin the rodeo. So I went around and told all my friends that my brother was singing the national anthem. But as the rodeo began it was a girl who sang the national anthem!! So I ended up looking like the gullable little brother. So I promised myself never to listen to him again. A month or so ago Weston called me and told me that he was going to be put into the bishopric. My reply to that one, “yeah right, dude. You already got me once by saying you were singing the national anthem. No way you're in the bishopric.” Well, sure enough the next Sunday, here comes all of our family and now he sits on the stand today. Just goes to show you brothers out there, don’t mess with your little brother or they won't ever believe you.
I wasn’t given a specific topic to speak on here today and that, for me, was a struggle. I thought about what I would want to know if I were listening to my talk six months ago. An experience came to mind to me that has stuck out to me in the past several months as I have been preparing to serve a mission. About a month ago I was able to go to Lake Powell with my sister and her family and be on a houseboat for a week. Now me, not being huge on water I wasn’t really sure about going. But I love my sister's family and I wanted one last fun thing with them. So we loaded the boat and went on this trip. On the way there my brother in law told me, he said, "you’ll be a good boat driver within the first couple hours we are there." Now I thought he was joking, but he wasn’t. Within the first 3 hours we were there, I was put into his brother Arnold’s boat all by myself while they tried to get the house boat beached. Now this houseboat is huge and it has big tall sides that seem to act like sails in the wind and if the wind is blowing it too hard it can be very difficult to beach this houseboat. Right as we got to our cove the wind began to pick up and Arnold seemed to be having a difficult time keeping the boat straight. I prayed and prayed that everything would go safely and go as planned. Now to be honest it probably wasn’t as nerve racking to everyone else as it was to me, but as Arnold came back to make his second run at the beach I had this calm feeling settle in on me. I knew that our Heavenly Father was watching over us. And just as Arnold got straight with the beach, the wind died. It was calm and he beached the boat easier than they said they had ever seen him beach it before. In Doctrine and Covenants 19:28 it says, "And again, I command thee that thou shalt pray vocally as well as in thy heart; yea before the world as well as in secret, in public as well as in private."
This strengthened my testimony of prayer because I knew that Heavenly Father was watching over us and even though it was a small and simple thing, He was taking care of us on that trip.
When I turned 16 my mom really wanted me to go and receive my patriarchal blessing. She said she had received hers when she was that age and she wanted me to have mine. I just lightly brushed it off because I just felt like I wasn’t ready. I felt as though I just needed to wait and I would know exactly when the time was right. Now I honestly really didn’t like that because I’m a very impatient person. And as all my friends began to receive theirs I wanted mine more than ever. Now the reason I tell this story is because this was the very first time that I had felt the spirit so strongly that I could not deny it. I knew that I was ready and I decided to set up the appointment. My bishop told me to fast twenty four hours in advance before I received my blessing, and I wanted to be exactly right so at 1 o'clock the Saturday before my blessing I stopped the tractor got on my knees in the middle of the spud field and began my fast. In D&C 82:10 the Lord tells us that He is bound when we hold our end of the deal. And I wanted to have a good experience with this blessing. Now unfortunately I can’t go into details. I wish I could but I just wanted my nieces and nephews especially to know that sometimes you don’t need to get your patriarchal blessing right when your turning a certain age. I know that if I had received my blessing at age 16, the spirit that was in that room that day would not have been there. I know that if we will do as the Lord asks us he will give us blessings more than we can imagine. I read my patriarchal blessing often and it has been a huge blessing to me as I have been preparing to serve a mission.
Now that was a turning point for me. I had already received my mission call at the time I received my blessing. And I hate to say this but I had been taking my mission lightly and boy did I ever need a wake up call. I was focused on things here. The mission was still a thing that was far away. I didn’t feel like it was ever going to come. And as soon as I received that blessing my mindset changed. I began reading the scriptures more and more everyday. I began to think mission. I noticed my prayers changed. I asked for different things and I went from dreading my mission to excitement and anxiousness. Now don’t get me wrong, I am nervous, but along with that feeling I have a feeling of excitement and joy that I get to go and share the gospel with people in Nevada that I don’t even know yet.
Bishop asked me if I would touch on just a few things that would help prepare you young men thinking of serving a mission. Now I know that I haven’t been on my mission yet but I do know that reading your scriptures and praying everyday is a huge part of preparing. Also probably one of the biggest things is becoming a worthy servant of our Heavenly Father. I believe that my greatest example of this was my Sunday school teacher and my great friend, Katie Crapo. She always wanted us to understand that no matter what, our Heavenly Father loves us and He is always there for us. One thing we must understand is that our Heavenly Father gave us the atonement because He knew that we were going to make mistakes. We are imperfect. Jesus suffered so that we would be able to return to our Heavenly Father. In Romans 3:23 it says, "For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God." But thankfully like it says in 1 John 1:7, "But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his son cleanseth us from all sin." With Christ we can be clean again and feel of His love. Also try to spend more time with your family. As I look back on high school and the things I learned, I am so greatful for my many friends. But my biggest regret was at times when I felt as though I was all alone, my family was standing beside me begging me to come to them. But instead of accepting their help I turned away from them and acted like I was way too cool to be with my family. I honestly didn’t like them, I thought they just wanted to run my life. But now as I have grown closer to all of my siblings and my parents, I realized that my best friends were right next to me the whole time. Our family is who we are going to be with for the rest of our lives and now as I am leaving them and wont be able to talk to them until Christmas I realize how much I really am going to miss them. Take time out of your busy schedule with your friends to get to know your siblings and your parents. It might turn out that they are actually just like you. And with your friends, be picky. Don’t hang out with people who are doing things that they shouldn’t be. Even if you aren’t doing it. It is your friends that you are your support group in school and with decisions like serving a mission. I know that without my friends I wouldn’t be standing here today.
Last year, right before my friends and I went to college there was a debate going on within our group of friends. We were all great friends and very close and we are all members, and we all have parents who have taught us well. The debate wasn’t what school do we go to, or what pickup should we get. It was should we serve missions? Now I’m sure that, the exact same debate that was going on between us might be going on in some of your heads. We all would drive around and weigh out the outcomes of serving a mission or not serving a mission. We didn’t know. We just could not come to an answer. One day we would be sure that we were going to go and then the next day it was no way. How could I ever leave here and be on my own for two years? Finally, we decided to pray. And to be honest, the answer did not just come in one big wave. It was many things that changed our hearts. Now, I know you have probably heard this story from me many times but I felt like it needed to be shared one last time. It was one night late at night and my friend and I had made a decision we weren’t going. It was a done deal. We had prayed and that was the decision. We weren’t going to go just for our families. Because if we didn’t go for us and do it for the right reasons then it just wasn’t going to happen. But then the question came to my mind…. “Austin can you tell me that the church isn’t true?” with tears in his eyes he replied, “No I can’t”. He then asked me the same question. My reply was obviously the same and we decided. If we couldn’t say it was not true, then we had no choice but to go and share that true church with our brothers and sisters. Now he has lead the way. And there are boys from Idaho serving or going to be serving in India, Fiji, Oklahoma, Georgia, New Mexico, and good old Las Vegas. And those are just a few of the places that our community is sending elders. I believe in our community more than ever because we were supposed to be the “bad class.” But the community here raised us all, so that hopefully we can pay you back and make you proud as we serve our Heavenly Father.
I can remember the day that I opened my mission call, my family and friends were there gathered around to hear the exciting news of where I was going to be serving. I just want to share with you a few paragraphs from my mission call because they have such profound words in the mission calls….
The last two sentences that I read are what really stick out to me; “Greater blessings and more happiness than you have yet experienced await you as you humbly and prayerfully serve the Lord in this labor of love among his children.” Labor of love. We are going out to serve our Heavenly Father because we love Him. That is why I am going. I love my Heavenly Father. Yes, the blessings that will come definitely will be amazing. But love is the real reason I wanted to leave. I wanted to make Him happy. And lastly when the first presidency says “We place our confidence in you and pray that the Lord will help you become an effective missionary.” That last statement gives me confidence. Because if the first presidency believes in missionary work, then I know that it is the right thing to do. I pray that I will be able to be an effective missionary just as they pray for all missionaries everyday.
As the day for my mission has come, a scripture that comes to mind always when I think of my mission is D&C 31:3,5-7. "Lift up your heart and rejoice, for the hour of your mission is come; and your tongue shall be loosed, and you shall declare glad tidings of great joy unto this generation. Therefore, thrust in your sickle with all your sould, and your sins are forgiven you, and you shall be laden with sheaves upon your back, for the laborer is worthy of his hire. Wherefore, your family shall live. Behold, verily I say unto you, go from them only for a little time, and declare my word, and I will prepare a place for them. Yea, I will open the hearts of the people, and they will receive you. And I will establish a church by your hand." Those verses have been very profound for me in the last couple months. Because we leave our families for just a short time, but in that short time we can make changes in peoples' lives that can effect them for generations to come. In Matthew 17; 20-21 it says, "And Jesus said unto them, Because of your unbelief: for verily I say unto you, if ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you. Howbeit this kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting." I really like this scripture because it feels like this next step in life is a huge mountain. But I know that through fasting and prayer it is the right thing that I am going to be doing. And that if I will be obedient then my life will be blessed and my family will be blessed. I look at how my brothers having such great faith affected me. Luckily for me, their choices to serve a mission changed me and now hopefully the ripple will continue on with their children. I have such a small testimony but through trials and opportunities to speak and grow I am able to let it grow. I am so excited to go and serve my Heavenly Father. I feel his love every day.
Good morning Brothers and Sisters,
I would like to just begin with how grateful I am for everyone who came today to support me. I know people may have made sacrifices to be here and I just want you to know I am truly grateful to all of you. As I begin my talk I had a story come to mind about our new bishopric. Now in order for me to tell you this story you need to know a little background. The one on the stand who is an older version of me is my brother, Weston. Weston and I have a pretty good relationship and when I was younger anything he said I believed. One night we were headed to the twenty fourth of July rodeo and Weston convinced me that he was singing the national anthem to begin the rodeo. So I went around and told all my friends that my brother was singing the national anthem. But as the rodeo began it was a girl who sang the national anthem!! So I ended up looking like the gullable little brother. So I promised myself never to listen to him again. A month or so ago Weston called me and told me that he was going to be put into the bishopric. My reply to that one, “yeah right, dude. You already got me once by saying you were singing the national anthem. No way you're in the bishopric.” Well, sure enough the next Sunday, here comes all of our family and now he sits on the stand today. Just goes to show you brothers out there, don’t mess with your little brother or they won't ever believe you.
I wasn’t given a specific topic to speak on here today and that, for me, was a struggle. I thought about what I would want to know if I were listening to my talk six months ago. An experience came to mind to me that has stuck out to me in the past several months as I have been preparing to serve a mission. About a month ago I was able to go to Lake Powell with my sister and her family and be on a houseboat for a week. Now me, not being huge on water I wasn’t really sure about going. But I love my sister's family and I wanted one last fun thing with them. So we loaded the boat and went on this trip. On the way there my brother in law told me, he said, "you’ll be a good boat driver within the first couple hours we are there." Now I thought he was joking, but he wasn’t. Within the first 3 hours we were there, I was put into his brother Arnold’s boat all by myself while they tried to get the house boat beached. Now this houseboat is huge and it has big tall sides that seem to act like sails in the wind and if the wind is blowing it too hard it can be very difficult to beach this houseboat. Right as we got to our cove the wind began to pick up and Arnold seemed to be having a difficult time keeping the boat straight. I prayed and prayed that everything would go safely and go as planned. Now to be honest it probably wasn’t as nerve racking to everyone else as it was to me, but as Arnold came back to make his second run at the beach I had this calm feeling settle in on me. I knew that our Heavenly Father was watching over us. And just as Arnold got straight with the beach, the wind died. It was calm and he beached the boat easier than they said they had ever seen him beach it before. In Doctrine and Covenants 19:28 it says, "And again, I command thee that thou shalt pray vocally as well as in thy heart; yea before the world as well as in secret, in public as well as in private."
This strengthened my testimony of prayer because I knew that Heavenly Father was watching over us and even though it was a small and simple thing, He was taking care of us on that trip.
When I turned 16 my mom really wanted me to go and receive my patriarchal blessing. She said she had received hers when she was that age and she wanted me to have mine. I just lightly brushed it off because I just felt like I wasn’t ready. I felt as though I just needed to wait and I would know exactly when the time was right. Now I honestly really didn’t like that because I’m a very impatient person. And as all my friends began to receive theirs I wanted mine more than ever. Now the reason I tell this story is because this was the very first time that I had felt the spirit so strongly that I could not deny it. I knew that I was ready and I decided to set up the appointment. My bishop told me to fast twenty four hours in advance before I received my blessing, and I wanted to be exactly right so at 1 o'clock the Saturday before my blessing I stopped the tractor got on my knees in the middle of the spud field and began my fast. In D&C 82:10 the Lord tells us that He is bound when we hold our end of the deal. And I wanted to have a good experience with this blessing. Now unfortunately I can’t go into details. I wish I could but I just wanted my nieces and nephews especially to know that sometimes you don’t need to get your patriarchal blessing right when your turning a certain age. I know that if I had received my blessing at age 16, the spirit that was in that room that day would not have been there. I know that if we will do as the Lord asks us he will give us blessings more than we can imagine. I read my patriarchal blessing often and it has been a huge blessing to me as I have been preparing to serve a mission.
Now that was a turning point for me. I had already received my mission call at the time I received my blessing. And I hate to say this but I had been taking my mission lightly and boy did I ever need a wake up call. I was focused on things here. The mission was still a thing that was far away. I didn’t feel like it was ever going to come. And as soon as I received that blessing my mindset changed. I began reading the scriptures more and more everyday. I began to think mission. I noticed my prayers changed. I asked for different things and I went from dreading my mission to excitement and anxiousness. Now don’t get me wrong, I am nervous, but along with that feeling I have a feeling of excitement and joy that I get to go and share the gospel with people in Nevada that I don’t even know yet.
Bishop asked me if I would touch on just a few things that would help prepare you young men thinking of serving a mission. Now I know that I haven’t been on my mission yet but I do know that reading your scriptures and praying everyday is a huge part of preparing. Also probably one of the biggest things is becoming a worthy servant of our Heavenly Father. I believe that my greatest example of this was my Sunday school teacher and my great friend, Katie Crapo. She always wanted us to understand that no matter what, our Heavenly Father loves us and He is always there for us. One thing we must understand is that our Heavenly Father gave us the atonement because He knew that we were going to make mistakes. We are imperfect. Jesus suffered so that we would be able to return to our Heavenly Father. In Romans 3:23 it says, "For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God." But thankfully like it says in 1 John 1:7, "But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his son cleanseth us from all sin." With Christ we can be clean again and feel of His love. Also try to spend more time with your family. As I look back on high school and the things I learned, I am so greatful for my many friends. But my biggest regret was at times when I felt as though I was all alone, my family was standing beside me begging me to come to them. But instead of accepting their help I turned away from them and acted like I was way too cool to be with my family. I honestly didn’t like them, I thought they just wanted to run my life. But now as I have grown closer to all of my siblings and my parents, I realized that my best friends were right next to me the whole time. Our family is who we are going to be with for the rest of our lives and now as I am leaving them and wont be able to talk to them until Christmas I realize how much I really am going to miss them. Take time out of your busy schedule with your friends to get to know your siblings and your parents. It might turn out that they are actually just like you. And with your friends, be picky. Don’t hang out with people who are doing things that they shouldn’t be. Even if you aren’t doing it. It is your friends that you are your support group in school and with decisions like serving a mission. I know that without my friends I wouldn’t be standing here today.
Last year, right before my friends and I went to college there was a debate going on within our group of friends. We were all great friends and very close and we are all members, and we all have parents who have taught us well. The debate wasn’t what school do we go to, or what pickup should we get. It was should we serve missions? Now I’m sure that, the exact same debate that was going on between us might be going on in some of your heads. We all would drive around and weigh out the outcomes of serving a mission or not serving a mission. We didn’t know. We just could not come to an answer. One day we would be sure that we were going to go and then the next day it was no way. How could I ever leave here and be on my own for two years? Finally, we decided to pray. And to be honest, the answer did not just come in one big wave. It was many things that changed our hearts. Now, I know you have probably heard this story from me many times but I felt like it needed to be shared one last time. It was one night late at night and my friend and I had made a decision we weren’t going. It was a done deal. We had prayed and that was the decision. We weren’t going to go just for our families. Because if we didn’t go for us and do it for the right reasons then it just wasn’t going to happen. But then the question came to my mind…. “Austin can you tell me that the church isn’t true?” with tears in his eyes he replied, “No I can’t”. He then asked me the same question. My reply was obviously the same and we decided. If we couldn’t say it was not true, then we had no choice but to go and share that true church with our brothers and sisters. Now he has lead the way. And there are boys from Idaho serving or going to be serving in India, Fiji, Oklahoma, Georgia, New Mexico, and good old Las Vegas. And those are just a few of the places that our community is sending elders. I believe in our community more than ever because we were supposed to be the “bad class.” But the community here raised us all, so that hopefully we can pay you back and make you proud as we serve our Heavenly Father.
I can remember the day that I opened my mission call, my family and friends were there gathered around to hear the exciting news of where I was going to be serving. I just want to share with you a few paragraphs from my mission call because they have such profound words in the mission calls….
The last two sentences that I read are what really stick out to me; “Greater blessings and more happiness than you have yet experienced await you as you humbly and prayerfully serve the Lord in this labor of love among his children.” Labor of love. We are going out to serve our Heavenly Father because we love Him. That is why I am going. I love my Heavenly Father. Yes, the blessings that will come definitely will be amazing. But love is the real reason I wanted to leave. I wanted to make Him happy. And lastly when the first presidency says “We place our confidence in you and pray that the Lord will help you become an effective missionary.” That last statement gives me confidence. Because if the first presidency believes in missionary work, then I know that it is the right thing to do. I pray that I will be able to be an effective missionary just as they pray for all missionaries everyday.
As the day for my mission has come, a scripture that comes to mind always when I think of my mission is D&C 31:3,5-7. "Lift up your heart and rejoice, for the hour of your mission is come; and your tongue shall be loosed, and you shall declare glad tidings of great joy unto this generation. Therefore, thrust in your sickle with all your sould, and your sins are forgiven you, and you shall be laden with sheaves upon your back, for the laborer is worthy of his hire. Wherefore, your family shall live. Behold, verily I say unto you, go from them only for a little time, and declare my word, and I will prepare a place for them. Yea, I will open the hearts of the people, and they will receive you. And I will establish a church by your hand." Those verses have been very profound for me in the last couple months. Because we leave our families for just a short time, but in that short time we can make changes in peoples' lives that can effect them for generations to come. In Matthew 17; 20-21 it says, "And Jesus said unto them, Because of your unbelief: for verily I say unto you, if ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you. Howbeit this kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting." I really like this scripture because it feels like this next step in life is a huge mountain. But I know that through fasting and prayer it is the right thing that I am going to be doing. And that if I will be obedient then my life will be blessed and my family will be blessed. I look at how my brothers having such great faith affected me. Luckily for me, their choices to serve a mission changed me and now hopefully the ripple will continue on with their children. I have such a small testimony but through trials and opportunities to speak and grow I am able to let it grow. I am so excited to go and serve my Heavenly Father. I feel his love every day.
Mission Preparation and the Call!
What does it take to get ready to serve a mission? Not only does it take much spiritual and mental preparation, it also takes a lot of physical preparation. Since they want to reduce the chance of health problems while on their mission, it is recommended that they take care of anything that might be cause for concern over the next two years. Since Braxton has had problems with his tonsils, he had those removed. He also had his wisdom teeth pulled. He prepared physically by taking up running in the weeks before he left.
This is Braxton at the hospital when he got
his tonsils taken out.
After Braxton had the required interviews with the Bishop and the Stake President, the waiting began! Braxton was anxious to receive his call and learn where he would spend the next two years. Many family and friends gathered to hear the verdict in May. The letter read:
Dear Elder Crapo,
You are hereby called to serve as a missionary of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. You are assigned to labor in the NEVADA LAS VEGAS WEST MISSION! You should report to the Provo Missionary Training Center on Wednesday, July 18, 2012.
Dear Elder Crapo,
You are hereby called to serve as a missionary of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. You are assigned to labor in the NEVADA LAS VEGAS WEST MISSION! You should report to the Provo Missionary Training Center on Wednesday, July 18, 2012.
All the nieces and nephews were excited to hear where Uncle Braxton was going! |
Many of his good friends came to hear, too! |
After the call and he knew where he was going, he had a couple months to prepare. He increased his study of the scriptures, tied up loose ends, put his motorcycle up for sale and started shopping for the items he would need on his mission. Ferrel's in Rexburg helped him out with the shopping part. He couldn't have done it without his mom!
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Look at that grin! |
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